OPAA has notified the district that there will be delivery issues with menu items for breakfast and lunch for up to 6 weeks. The food distribution company that they contract with is having a driver shortage and the companies they contract with for food purchasing are having distribution shortage due to employee shortages around the country. OPAA is the meal provider that has a contract with the district for lunch and breakfast.
What this means for our students is that there will be one choice for breakfast each morning. Cereal will only be offered twice a week rather than four days a week. This also means that MS and HS students will not have alacarte options available. Salads will not be offered daily.
OPAA is working very hard to make sure our students have a lunch and breakfast option each day. We do not have a food shortage - but are having issues with the distribution and delivery of menu options they have ordered.
Please be mindful that the menu may change on short notice. We are expecting a food delivery this week so the menu may be altered base on the delivery.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation as they work through this issue. If you have questions, please feel free to email Dr. Basham at lbasham@mariesr2.org.